Courses, Certifications, Webinars & Online Learning

Take your career to the next level and upgrade your skills and credentials to be the best and internationally accredited.  Whether you are a beginner, a fitness professional, a parent, or a Ph.D. dietician find a course, certification, or online learning with the GPNi®.  There is something for everyone, covering 360degrees of education all-in-one portal 100% online. 

100% online learning no matter where you are in the world and what language you read or speak.

  • Be amongst the global leading network of elite sports nutrition experts and researchers.
  • Learn the most cutting edge and scientific backed nutrition strategies 
  • Begin your career, grow your career, and excel with GPNi® all-access portal
  • Internationally recognized by Universities, researchers, and professional sport.
Enroll Now

The Official Partners

The ISSN® certifications are the only internationally recognized sports nutrition certification where the content and science is created by the researchers. 

What does that mean? The Certification, Courses & Webinars are all 100% authentic content, straight from the source, and always up-to-date with the world's cutting-edge research. 

Get your Double Certification with PNE Level-1, also PNE Level-2 Masters, together with the ISSN certifications all in one. Now with the official and trusted partners with the GPNi®, get certified all online with the on-demand course for all our ISSN® certifications, the Sports Nutrition Specialist (SNS®) and Certified Sports Nutritionist (CISSN®)

Now also being offered on the GPNi® portal our international ISSN "live" webinars with on-demand video options.

Dr. Jose Antonio

CEO & Co-Founder 

International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN®)

Why Get Certified By The GPNi®

GPNi® is the official global online partner for The International Society of Sports Nutrition, The ISSN®.  The ISSN® is the leading pioneer's and researcher's in Performance Nutrition globally, since 2003. 111

GPNi® is an-all access portal, to begin and advance your in sports nutrition to an elite level with blossoming career opportunities.

GPNi® is the world’s first science backed performance nutrition online education portal to be offered in multiple countries and available in multiple languages.

GPNi® has a unique blend of on-demand content, together with live tutorials and classroom style online solution to give the most authentic and quality education solution.

Plug into the world’s network fellow fitness professionals and business owners for career and learning opportunities like no other certification offers. Upgrade your knowledge also global network like no other certification can.

Exclusive access to the world’s most famous and leading sports nutrition researchers and experts through the GPNi® “Access to Experts” live tutorials. 

Our Global Experts

“Every day I engage with athletes in my practice, helping them improve their training, body composition, recovery, and competition performance through nutrition. In order to be the best athlete, coach, or scientist you can be, you need to constantly improve and refine your practices. A key part of this is receiving the most up today evidenced-based information in your field.”


Roger Adams, PhD


  • PhD
  • CISSN 

“I am proud to have co-authored the latest version of the all-new ISSN-SNS international certification course by the GPNi®.  For those looking to upgrade yourselves to the elite level and be international certified, this is the certification for you.”

Is This Course For You

There are many thousands of certified SNS® and CISSN® professionals in the world today, these consist of:

  • Fitness Professional & Personal Trainers
  • Nurses & Doctors
  • Health Coaches
  • Group Fitness Instructors
  • Registered Dietitians
  • Fitness Lovers
  • Parents

What To Expect To Learn

Upon completing the Sports Nutrition Specialist certification, you will have learned many sports nutrition strategies all backed by science and research, covering:

  • When you eat may be as important as what you eat for athletic performance.
  • Nutrient timing incorporates the use of methodical planning and eating of whole foods, fortified foods, and dietary supplements.
  • The timing of energy intake and the ratio of certain ingested macronutrients may enhance recovery and tissue repair, augment muscle protein synthesis (MPS), and improve mood states following high-volume or intense exercise.
  • Best natural nutritional supplements and food to boost performance physical performance.
  • Optimal dosages of key nutritional ingredients for maximum efficacy and safe results.
  • The right sports nutrition plan for the right athlete and athletic performance.
  • Traffic light system on supplementation (products) that are proven to work and backed by science according to the ISSN® literature.
  • In-depth understanding of the ISSN® Position Stands.
  • Ethics and best standards of practise for global performance nutrition.

History Of ISSN

The ISSN® was 'founded' in 2003 in San Francisco USA by, Jose Antonio PhD, Doug Kalman PhD RD, Richard Kreider PhD, Susan Kleiner PhD RD and Anthony Almada MSc.

The International Society of Sports Nutrition is the only non-profit academic society dedicated to promoting the science and application of evidence-based sports nutrition and supplementation

The ISSN® is the world's leader in providing science-based sports nutrition and supplement information. The ISSN® peer-reviewed journal (JISSN®), conferences, and attendees are the key influencers and thought-leaders in the sports nutrition and supplement field.

The ISSN® conferences, tutorials, lectures, and courses have been recognized (vis a vis attaining continuing education credits) by the Commission on Dietetic Registration, National Strength and Conditioning Association, American College of Sports Medicine, American Council on Exercise, American Physical Therapy Association, National Association of Athletic Trainers and other organizations as well. Members of these organizations can earn continuing education credits by attending ISSN® Conferences and Symposia.

The ISSN® is also recognized by many Universities as offering the latest, cutting edge and non-biased information about the science and application of sports nutrition and supplements.

Our Happy & Qualified Students

Since 2003, there have been thousands of certified students across the world that upgraded their knowledge and skills; all of which are backed by proven scientific performance nutrition research. Here are some testimonials from some of the happy student alumni! 

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As of 2021 the GPNi® offers full language and native level support and “live teaching” in:

  • English
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Japanese

For more information about language support and country support in your region and why GPNi® is the world’s global access portal, please MORE HERE

Recognized Continued Education Credit / Continued Education Units (CEC / CEU)

(subject to NSCA’s local country partner CEC policy)

Course Book, Merchandise, Clothing & More

The ISSN-SNS Level 1 Certification exclusively on the GPNi® platform comes with the below materials and gifts.  These will be mailed to your home or office address you provide inclusive of the course cost but doesn't include the logistics fee.

Please Note: There will be a USD$50 charge on all mailout deliveries, charged automatically at checkout.

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Meet Our Experts & Course Video Tutorial Examples

Check out here what you will be viewing for each course also meet some of our globally renowned experts that have created the courses, certifications, and are part of the expert teachers team. 

Plug into the worldwide network of the who's who in sports nutrition.  

Become GPNi® Certified

You will need to complete and pass the below to be certified:

  • Pass the exam and receive 75% or above 
  • Complete the homework and presentation plans and receive 75% or above on all practical 

Most of our students pass the first time around, however, in case you don’t, you’ll still have 2 more tries at the exam. If you do not pass the 3rd time, you will need to get in contact with us to arrange a new exam sit and pay a small fee to sit again. 

Get Yourself & Business Listed On The GPNi®

Once you’re certified, you will be listed amongst the elite level trainers globally as being certified you can provide your business and contact information to be listed on our site. Unlike other online certifications, we provide a large area to show as much information about you and your company as possible, together with a photo of yourself to boost your international presence. 

Click Here To See The Full List Of Those Internationally Certified 

Is Getting A Nutrition Certification Worth It?

Thousands certified globally with the ISSN® - learn what others have to say. 

"I am so happy I signed up for the SNS certification. I learned a great deal more about sports nutrition that I had originally imagined.  To grow your career in fitness, where nutrition is often 80% of results, understanding and being certified is key.  Being certified by the global authority is also key.”

Emanuele Mediati - Italy

"I am a health and fitness enthusiast and already am a nutrition coach, however, I wanted specifically to learn about sports nutrition and learn from the top-level experts and researchers in the game. 

Icee Guinto - USA 

"Owning a dance studio I often get asked about nutrition, specifically sports nutrition by my clients and teachers. I wanted to improve my knowledge about sports nutrition, also to be internationally certified, therefore I chose to learn from the leaders in the space, the ISSN on the GPNi platform. 

Oksana Krupikova - Russia

"I am passionate about learning nutrition, specifically want to learn more about performance nutrition.  I wanted to learn online as I am busy, also to be internationally certified, is the reason I chose to be certified on the GPNi portal. 

Lenka Suta - Slovakia 

Why Get Certified

Take your career in fitness and professional sports nutrition to the next level and become an ISSN® and GPNi® globally recognized certifications, courses, continued education, and online webinars.

Sign Up For The World's #1 Performance Nutrition Certification

Sign up now and join the world's #1 elite performance nutrition international certificated coaches. 

Sign up for the "Elite Pack" and take your journey to new heights and receiving savings and additional exclusive free items when bundling together. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A question often asked is why both the PNE-L1 + ISSN-SNS, also the PNE-L2 Masters + ISSN-CISSN (Certified Sports Nutritionist) certification course by the GPNi, are superior compared to other sports nutrition certifications in the world, such as:

  • NASM-CSNC (Certified Sports Nutrition Coach) 
  • Precision Nutrition PN Level-2 Masters (Master Health Coach)
  • ISSA – Nutritionist Certification 
  • ACE – Fitness Nutrition Specialist 
  • Clean Health Institute – Performance Nutrition Coach 
  • Sports Nutrition Association – Certified in Applied Sports Nutrition 


There are many reasons why the GPNi international certifications course is superior to all others. Please review below these five key points that make this certification superior to other sports nutrition certifications in the world:

Point One: Created by The Real Experts & Pioneers  

The #1 reason is that NONE of these other sports’ nutrition certifications are created by experts in the field, but rather copied and pasted works from other research publications. Other sports nutrition programs are cookie-cutter online, simple courses made for the mass market and simply there to make money, but not bring any real tangible value to the students. Often the is the case, the materials themselves are put together by interns or outsourced to 3rd parties. 

The authors and creators of the ISSN certifications and all course content by the GPNi are created by the original Ph.D. researchers and pioneers of sports nutrition.  

If you want 2nd or even 3rd hand-non-authentic content that is likely outdated, then the other certifications may be for you. If you are enjoying the most updated, science-backed, authentic, and directly from the source, then the GPNi certifications courses are for you! 

Point Two: CISSN The Only Globally Recognized & Respected Certification 

The ISSN certifications and courses by the GPNi are the only truly recognized academic and university-recognized certifications. Many dieticians, nutritionists, and others that do not have enough knowledge in Sports Nutrition will elect to be certified with the ISSN-CISSN, as the CISSN (standing for Certified Sports Nutritionist) is the only globally recognized acronym they can use next to their name and credentials. You will see many academics and master-level trainers with their names and the “CISSN” acronym next to their names. 

None of the other cookie-cutter sports nutrition certifications have this value or respect by dieticians and nutritionists worldwide. 

 Be proud to flash your credentials next to your name, “John Smith, CISSN, or Jane Smith, CISSN,” like no other certification can offer. 

PLEASE NOTE: For those looking to enroll in the PNE-L1 + ISSN-SNS, this is your first step towards obtaining the master’s Level certification as you must first have Level-1 before enrolling into the Level-2 Masters's course.  Other entry routes are if you are pre-qualified to do so (dietician, nutritionist). If so, contact us through to see if you are, or apply directly with the “GPNi Masters Pack,” which includes both PNE-L1 + SNS and PNE-L2 + CISSN together with a package price.

Point Three: Only Dedicated True Sports Nutrition Certification 

All the ISSN certifications on the GPNi portal are dedicated to the highest level of sports nutrition, research, education, and certification. The GPNi, the Global Performance Nutrition Institute, is the official and exclusive online education partner for the ISSN for the International Society of Sports Nutrition.  

The GPNi portal is only dedicated to sports nutrition, nothing else. At the same time, all the other programs are a jack of all trades, with everything from Yoga to Personal Training, Strength and Conditioning, and even rehabilitation certifications. They cannot be experts, especially in sports nutrition, if they are to keep up with all the science and research. 

Point Four: Live Access to Experts  

Exclusively through GPNi, get “access to experts” with the “live” classes. Ask questions to the researchers and top-level experts in the world of sports nutrition to grow your knowledge to a new level.  

GPNi portal has a unique blend of online live classes and on-demand professional filmed video tutorials. Get the best of both flexible online learning, real 360-degree education, and the ability to ask expert questions and learn. Plug into the “live” class schedule when your schedule permits to take your learning to a new level and study on your schedule with online professionally filmed playback video tutorials with Ph.D.-level expert lectures. 

Point Five: Who You Know, Not Just What You Know 

At the GPNi, you will be placed into a live cohort class for the “live” education classes. Within each class, you will be meeting, networking, and learning from other students from all over your country and, in some cases, all over the globe. At the GPNi, we have seen countless students upgrade their career paths simply by meeting new contacts and growing in the sports nutrition industry by knowing more people and thus having more opportunities. None of the other certifications have “live” classes, group assignments, or the ability to offer a global network in sports nutrition.  

As stated in Point Three above as well, the other “so-called” other sports nutrition programs are not dedicated to sports nutrition but a jack of all trades. They also lack any solid network globally in sports nutrition. 

Procedure After Enrollment

You will be able to begin your certification courses by the GPNi immediately after enrolment with the on-demand online tutorials and digital course book. 

Timing Of Certifications & Study

Both the Level-1 and Level-2 certifications can be self-paced.  You can take your time with lifetime access to the course content online for all active members yearly.  The live cohorts run throughout the year, and you can access these by booking in with the administration to determine which live class dates suit your schedule.

PNE Level-1 + SNS

Most people complete this Level-1 certification within 5 months after beginning and a maximum of 8 months.

PNE Level-2 Masters + CISSN

Most people complete this Level-2 Masters certification within 8 months after beginning and a maximum of 12 months.

Enroll Now:


Or get in contact now and schedule a call to learn more or ask questions HERE or at 

The CISSN Level-2 Masters ISSN certification and course by the GPNi is for those that want to position themselves at the top level in sports and professional athlete nutrition. Boost your knowledge, qualification, and career”.  

–Drew Campbell CEO & Founder of GPNi® / CISSN

“Having the CISSN gives me the confidence in providing sports nutrition advice and maximizing my patient’s health and performance.”  

–Erik Bustillo RD / CISSN

“The CISSN credential is great! It is essential if you are working with both recreational and elite athletes.”  

–Arlene Semeco RD World-Class Swimmer / CISSN

"The CISSN is the hardest certification exam I've ever taken. But it was well worth it."

-Lia Jiannine PhD

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